Application for ASDA Auction House Accreditation
Application for ASDA Auction House Accreditation
The American Stamp Dealers Association provides a separate listing in its ASDA Directory for Accredited Public Auction Firms.
The word auctioneers will be listed under the name and address for only those members who have met the requirements indicated and received ASDA accreditation. Please return the required forms with your completed application.
1. Provide proof of licensing, as required by your municipal and state regulations. If your local and/or state governments do not require licensing, you must provide a statement indicating this.
2. A copy of your certificates of resale must be submitted with your application.
3. The Terms & Conditions of Sale as printed in your latest auction catalogue must be filled with your application.
4. Indicate here your procedure for determining the successful bidder:
___ One advance over second highest bidder
___ The amount bid without reference to other bids.
___ Other – Please specify______________________________________
5. Do your Terms and/or Conditions of Sale provide for the return of mis-described lots?
Yes No
a. Do your Terms of Sale provide for authentication of your descriptions?
Yes No
b. Specify which paragraphs or section clearly indicate your policies regarding returns or authentication or provide a detailed explanation of your procedures.
6. Do your auction catalogues provide a specific time and place that lots to be auction may be viewed?
Yes No
7. Do you provide specific dates and starting times for your auctions?
Yes No
No 8. Can people personally attend your auctions?
Yes No
9. Is any admission fee charged to attend your auctions?
Yes No
10. Is a printed “Prices Realized” available (free or for purchase) for each auction you conduct?
Yes No
11. Are you currently conducting Public Auctions?
Yes No
12. Do you maintain an insurance policy to cover consignments you accept for Public auction?
Yes No
After responding to ALL of the requirements and answering all of the questions, you must sign the following statement:
I (we) agree to abide by all regulations provided for ASDA accredited auction firms as determined by the American Stamp Dealers Association.
Signature: ___________________Printed Name: _____________________
Address: _____________________________________________________